15th Dombos Fest - Kishegyes /Mali Iđoš, Voivodina, Serbia

2015-06-24 01:10:28


Dombos Festival dates: July 2-5, 2015 - Kishegyes/Mali Iđoš, Voivodina, Northern Serbia!


Once again the best world music in the region! We're doing it for the 15th time because we like it! Join us for the special Voivodina festival atmosphere at the foot of the earthen wall.

Kishegyes/Mali Idos– Hegyalja utca, Northern Serbia
2015. July 2-5

 At one time there was a mound of garbage in Voivodina's town of Kishegyes/ Mali Idos at the foot of an earthen wall......the vision and impetus: make the garbage mound  into an arts festival!

After a lot of work and local civil effort, fifteen years ago Dombos Fest came to life! Since then it has become the most important and popular arts festival in the region. This year the earthen wall shows it colors once again, thanks to the unparallelled light show that gives the space, its 100 meter earthen wall and daily life a whole new meaning.


Berecz András, Muzsikás Folk Ensemble,Csizmadia Anna, Lajkó Félix, Palya Bea, Dresch Mihály, Borbély Mihály, Fokos Band, Fricska Dance Group, Cimbaliband, PASO, Olah Gipsy Beats, Zűrös Band, Góbé, Deti Picasso, Fábián Juli & Zoohacker


Details: dombosfest.org

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