Special World Music Workshop for Hungarian Musicians

2015-01-20 16:00:42


On February 14-15, 2015 a special world music workshop will be organized by Hangvető and the Fonó. Hungarian and international world music experts will help prepare Hungarian musicians for application to perform at WOMEX.


The biggest world music event offers Hungarian musicians a special opportunity.

In October of this year Budapest will host the World Music Expo - WOMEX: the foremost international world music event. Those who would like to perform at WOMEX must apply. Applicants will be judged in April by a seven member independent international jury. The goal of this special world music workshop is to help Hungarian musicians with the application process by familiarizing them with the jury's viewpoints. At the event , prominent figures in Hungarian and international world music will share their experiences and help prepare the bands through lectures, round table discussions and personal mentoring meetings. We welcome Hungarian bands and their managers to the two day event.

As part of the program, participants may attend Fonó Salon's evening events and concerts. 

The program is free of charge. Advance registration here: registration@hangveto.hu

Detailed program here!


All programs will be held in the Hungarian language.

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