Budapest Folk Fest in June

2015-05-20 14:27:25


10-14, June: be enchanted by the elementary power of folk!

“Folk is a deep well nourishing several other genres; it is immensely rich, personal, simple and tolerant.” A pivotal city in the Central European region, Budapest is a center of a multicultural and multiethnic area where the musical cultures of different ethnicities coexist and mutually enrich each other. Having organized Budapest Folk Fest every year since 2010, Fonó presents a rich inventory of music by prominent Hungarian folk and world musicians from both Hungary and the neighboring countries, as well as by distinguished musicians from all over the world. Stemming from an intersection point between past and future, the ever-renewing musical flowers of folk music essentially form the culture of upcoming generations. Fostering and furtherenhancing this process is a fundamental part of Fonó’s mission. All are heartily welcome at Budapest Folk Fest to be enchanted by the elementary power of folk!


Click here for this years programme.


Mohammad Reza Mortazavi


Tara Fuki


Lajkó Félix - Balázs János: Ball (Password, 2014)

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