On your feet!

2014-09-11 06:10:23


The most popular dance house in town..., traditionals..., Final Hour recordings… – all that to come in the 2014/2015 season!

This season starts with a new series, and well known popular programmes in Fonó Music Hall. Fonó Wednesday, the most popular dance house in town, offers dances from Kalotaszeg, and every second week Final Hour traditonals will join this dance house event on ten occasions within the framework of the Holocaust Memorial Year. Parno Graszt launches a new and out of the ordinary Roma club, where besides the concerts and the great atmosphere of the place you can make yourself familiar with Roma dances with the help of the best. The popular Berka Moldovan-string instrument dance house will host the Góbé Band, and the Erdélyi zenészek / Musicians from Transylvania club is awaiting you with as warm a welcome as usual!

When it comes to jazz and world music premium names cannot be left out: the Dresch Quartet will be our regular guest, we have also invited the Veronika Harcsa’s duo, Juli Szatmári, and more than one production of Elemér Balázs, and the Karaván Família. On two days we are taking part in the CAFe Budapest Festival: from London comes the Indian violinist Jyotsna Srikanth, who will perform on the same day as the Hungarian ambassador of Indian jazz music Zoltán Lantos and his band Samsara. From Stockholm arrives Emilia Amper nyckelharpa artist, who will play authentic Swedish music, and on the same day you can enjoy ’Betyárvilág’ the brilliant production of the Eastwing group – this production was seen on many occasions this summer, and was well received as an album too, but as for Fonó, this will be its first night within the framework of CAFe Budapest Festival - we cannot wait to see them!

The monthly Fonó Pódium continues with theatrical and dance theatrical performances inspired by our musicial and dance tradition. Fonó’s children programmes - that are organised in cooperation with Kultúrpart - have always been sold out; ’Papó zenedéje’ with Ferenc Kiss and ’Tititá’ with Péter Novák also continues.

There is plenty to choose from – take your pick!

More details about our programmes here, and in our online calendar of programmes; tickets can be purchased here on the Fonó website, or on jegy.hu; as well as at Fonó Music Hall before the event, or nationwide in Interticket ticket offices.

Come and join us!




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