Kossuth Prize for Vujicsics Band, Kristóf Baráti, and Ferenc Snétberger

2014-03-14 16:34:06


This year’s Kossuth Prizes were handed out on the afternoon before national holiday 15 March. Congratulations to all recipients.

This year’s Kossuth Prizes were handed out by the president of Hungary on 14 March, one day before the Hungarian national holiday 15 March. Fonó is glad to acknowledge that recipients include several world and folk musicians.
List of recipients: (source: origo.hu)
Kossuth Grand Prize went to writer and essayist Anna Jókai, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, former Kossuth Prize recipient, for her outstanding literary oeuvre and for an appropriate representation of the national and Christian branch of urban literature.
Regular Kossuth Prize recipients:
Baráti, Kristóf – Franz Liszt Prize-winning violinist, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts;
Béres, János – recorder player, ethnomusicologist, music pedagogue
Bohus, Zoltán – Munkácsy Prize-winning glass sculptor, Merited Artist of the Hungarian Republic, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts
Boráros, Imre – retired actor, member of the ethnic Hungarian Jókai Theatre in Komárno (SK)
Dobai, Péter – Attila József Prize-winning writer, poet, and dramaturge, Poet Laureate of the Republic of Hungary, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts;
Hámori, Ildikó – Mari Jászai Prize-winning actress, Eminent Artist of the Hungarian Republic, member of the Pesti Magyar Theater;
Hegedűs, Endre – pianist, professor of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music;
Jávori, Ferenc "Fegya" – composer and musician, Merited Artist of the Hungarian Republic, leader of Budapest Klezmer Band;
Kiss B., Attila – Franz Liszt Prize-winning opera singer, member of the Hungarian State Opera, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts;
Kobzos Kiss, Tamás – Franz Liszt Prize-winning musician, folk music teacher, director of the Hungarian Folk Music School in Óbuda, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts;
Kóti, Árpád – Mari Jászai Prize-winning actor, Eminent Artist of the Hungarian Republic, member of the Csokonai National Theater in Debrecen
Kovács, Kati – singer, lyricist, actress;
Mácsai, Pál – Mari Jászai Prize-winning actor and director, Merited Artist of the Hungarian Republic, director of the István Örkény Theater;
Mőcsényi, Mihály – Széchenyi Prize-winning architect, Professor Emeritus of the Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of landscape Architecture;
Németh, János – Munkácsy Prize-winning ceramist, Merited Artist of the Hungarian Republic, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts;
Orbán, György – Ferenc Erkel Prize-winning composer, Associate Professor of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music;
Snétberger, Ferenc – guitarist, composer;
Takács, Klára – Franz Liszt Prize-winning opera singer;
Temesi, Ferenc – Attila József Prize-winning writer, translator, dramatist, Poet Laureate of the Republic of Hungary, regular member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts;
Tímár, Sándor – retired choreographer, folkdance teacher.
A shared Kossuth Prize went to the members of Vujicsics Band: Mihály Borbély, Miroszláv Brczán, Áron Eredics, Gábor Eredics, Kálmán Eredics, Ferenc Szendrődi, and Balázs Vizeli.


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