Góbé Band's new record has been released!

2015-03-06 05:08:19


Title of Góbé's new record of Hungarian city folk music: "Ez Van!"


By the time you’re getting around to shaking your finger [at Góbé band]…they’re already two steps ahead of you. On their second album, these young musicians hailing from various corners of the Hungarian language area are once again nimbly mixing styles. Folk songs, ballads, melodies from Transylvania (Magyarszovát, Százcsávás, Csík), Moldávia and Southern Hungary hang together with elements of jazz, blues, country and classical music with obvious and natural ease. This is Góbé’s characteristic style.

This band started out at the Fonó as a city folk band playing music from various regions of the Carpathian Basin from week to week for the Wednesday night dance houses. The Fonó is still one of their home-bases.

At a 2011 talent contest on the A-38 Boat in Budapest, Góbé was voted ‘best young world music band’. Their first record which includes their own compositions was made at the A-38 studio. Their second recording is a Fonó release. The title: Ez van!  [The translation of which falls somewhere between: ‘What you see is what you get’ and ‘This is it’.] 

Local guest artists such as Porteleki László, Csík János or Ferenczi György have joined Góbé at their concerts.

Góbé’s quest is to make folk music fashionable, likeable, enjoyable and understandable for everyone. They exemplify Kodály’s thought: “As the world opens up more and more, art as confined to one group of people, before long, looses its meaning. We are getting closer to the realization of world music, than to the world literature that Goethe imagined.”

“They bring about something we think of as world music - without electric instruments.” - Porteleki László

“Very sharp music! I really enjoyed it.” - Sebestyén Márta



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