Exhibition: FARKAS JÓZSEF - Photographs from 2014 folk music collection project

2016-01-21 12:54:52


József Farkas photographed the 2014 Final Hour folk music collection project. The exhibition features photos selected from this material. It will be on display January 22 - February 17, 2016 at the Fonó during regular opening hours.


József Farkas photographed the 2014 Final Hour folk music collection project. The exhibition features portraits selected from this material.

 The exhibition is open from January 22nd through February 17th, 2016 at the Fonó.



Since 1990 József Farkas has been active in the folk arts movement in Slovakia’s Hungarian community. He is a founding member of the Slovak Hungarian Folklore Association. His name is associated with 10 years of the Slovakia Dance House Festival and as an organizer of Hungarian folk music and dance camps in Slovakia, the adult folk dance anthology and Eszterlánc Competition of Slovak-Hungarian Children’s Folk Dance Groups. For ten years he was project manager for the Bratislava based Ifjú Szívek Folk Dance Theatre. Since 1999 he has been participating regularly in folklore collection work, photography and video documentation in Slovakia and Hungary.

Since 2012 he has been director of the Hungarian Heritage House’s Páva office responsible for organizing the “Páva” folk dance and music competitions sponsored by Hungarian Television and Hungarian Heritage House.


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