Call for Artist to apply for BUDAPEST RITMO SHOWCASE performance

2018-06-28 11:56:26


About Budapest Ritmo

Budapest Ritmo is one of the biggest world music events in Central and Eastern Europe, connecting listeners, creators and professionals. Organized for the third time in 2018, it is a dynamically growing festival with a marked regional focus.


The showcase event spearheads the festival and features 3 regional and 3 Hungarian groups, selected by an international jury. Related networking events and the concerts themselves provide many opportunities to get professional feedback, concert bookings and
new fans. The event’s venue, Szimpla is an emblematic and popular Budapest location, visited by Hungarians and tourists.

Career Boost

What Budapest Ritmo Showcase has to offer:
• full festival pass with access to all concerts & conference
• exposure and feedback from the pool of invited professionals
• booking opportunities
• networking: Budapest Ritmo Conference, a Speed Dating Event, and the Networking event connected to the showcase concerts give plenty of
opportunities for networking with internationals.
• introduction to Budapest audience
• coverage through Budapest Ritmo campaign
Before you apply
• make sure you are available on 4 October, the date of Budapest Ritmo


• plan with attending the related networking event, on the same day
• have enough material ready to perform at the showcase concert (roughly 45 mins)

How to apply

• Please fill out the form on this link
• Please send the following to
- a brief introduction in English (1500-3000 characters)
- 3 songs in video or mp3 format (through a file sharing service)
- the names of members in the group
- technical rider (stage size)
- webpage and/or FB page of the group
- name, phone number and email address of your contact person

Application deadline: 20th July, 2018!

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